
ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২২ থেকে পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে
With the help of social media, we are a group of volunteers who call on humanity to stand by the helpless people of our society in any need and in any calamity.  "Disaster VS Humanity" is a platform for all the people of the world, who are the ambassadors of humanity, to bring to our attention the present plight of the helpless people of the society and to contribute to the great human beings who are calling for humanity.   We have closely watched the plight of the helpless people of our society during the "Covid 19" epidemic.   We were hurt, we were stunned but we did not stop trying to do something good.  Throughout the Covid period, we have provided food aid, distributed dry food to flood victims, conducted food drives during Ramadan, distributed sacrificial meat, distributed blankets in the winter, and provided oxygen cylinders in the terrible times of Corona.  Besides, we are trying to stand by the helpless people in any need including economic cooperation.

Covid - can't stop good.
